Not literally but i always wanted to do a magazine swap how fun would that be. I hadn't even realised it's been 10 long years since Tank first hit the shelves one of my reasons for loving this magazine is best described in the quote below
"Fact is that TANK wasn't so that we could get freebees. It was so that we could have freedom..... TANK was to be a thing of beauty and wonder... Distributors, who chucked us out of their offices, are choking on the numbers, and advertisers, who ask for demographics, get laughed at."
In the big bad world that is publishing very few magazine's can successfully please advertisers pockets as well as readers thirst for the new and exciting. I was once told that cool doesn't pay the bills but mags like Tank give me hope that one day they will.
In celebration of tanks ten years on magazine earth they had a PARTY whoop whoop lots of vodka and shiny floors it was pretty boss. here are some pic's above
PS. Oh and some heat like celeb spots I saw Johnny Boring (i love to expose my chest) Borrell sulking around being all indie like
my mate Hannah Marshall turned up with super cool band Ipso facto who spun some major tunes "puppet on a string " awesome.