It never rains it pours these last days have been manic and to combat the huge workload i have I've turned to my good friends Gin and tonic my hangover was hellish this morning methinks coming home at 3am may not be the best idea. Yesterday I assisted on a Burberry look book for Japan apparently burbs is huge in japan (loving the check i guess) the best bit was hanging out with super stylist Sam Logan who i haven't seen since being back home and cheeky Danny Beauchamp whose always fun a little too much fun  as he decided to moon me while I was pinning his trousers lets say i got a nice surprise. The icing on the cake was working with cool Canadian Amanda Laine (Amanda banana is her nickname)  poor thing came straight off the plane to work and was faced with a rather star struck me grilling her about walking balenciaga and being an all around bad ass aged 16, she was a great sport both her and Danny reminded me that not all models are vacant and fashion can be fun.

Ps Geisha makeup was for something else after the lookbook fun.


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