I think I'm probably quite late to these but i was flicking through the CFDA fashion fund winners on old style.com and I noticed Alejandro Ingelmo's stunning shoes he was one if the runner ups me thinks guess who won Alexander Wang. Now I love his stuff honestly I do I nearly stole one of his jumpers at interview magazine as I was convinced the jumper and I were meant to be together guess what I'm trying to say is that reworking model uniform doesn't warrant a reward like that. Of course i like everyone wanted a boyfriend blazer (boyfriend included) but come on is it really innovative and different fashion or is it more about hanging out with beautiful people at loft parties. Enough of my jealous rant I'm sure if wang's pieces fitted the mounds of flesh i have I'd be singing a different tune. My point was I saw ingelmo's shoes sexy structural shapes and eye catching metallic's and I really like them my fashion lust list is officially out of control.