a) i'm to tiered i just want to watch Hollyaoks , Eastenders maybe a Documentry if i'm feeling rather smart and go to bed i love my bed so much its a struggle to leave in the mornings and i'm always quite keen to get back to it.
b) i no longer have the attention span to talk to people or to drink my body weight in (insert drink of choice here)
however yesterday i went back to my partying ways
it was a launch for something or another oh yes some super slim sony tv don't ask me what it looks like i dont have a clue.
Highights of the night
- Rum and ginger beer awesome awesome YUM
- Seeing sanjay from eastenders walking around mazing
- Seeing the lovely henry holland dj
- Realising my crush on Giles deacon is still going strong (i need to give up this dream of us getting married and him making me dresses its just sad)
- Trying to make katie talk to ralph little
- Seeing amy (ppq) in a super duper black and white cape and liking alice d's new hair double YUm