Men Men Men Men manly Men Men

 So Its show season hurrah I've read of a few blogs full of fashion insiders whining about the pitfalls of dressing up in awesome clothes most likely having your photo taken by jack and Jil, having to drink champers,  then there's the whole being nice to certain advertisers and of course the worst of it  seeing tons  of amazing clothes. All i can say is really really !!!!  I feel so sorry for you the trappings of fashion and all that!! it must be sooo sooo tough being you I can't imagine having a job that i would actually kill someone for.

Anyway  enough minion ranting that's all it is ill be posting video's of shows i like first is yummy Dolce because:
a) those glasses are ace they go on my i want i need please can a pr send me some list
b) erm those bags are mazing big , shiny& luxe just the way i like them
c) i was kinda surprised at how much i loved how each model looked like Guy Richie and Hugh Hefner combined.


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