It's absolutely chucking it down thunder and lightening at all. I'm tad bit worried about being blown away its got to be some crappy weather for me to not wanna leave my dive of an apartment. so since rain has ruined my great plans today ill tell what i would of done in the hope that i get to do these things tomorrow. I was planning to go and see the Chanel Mobile exhibition in central park the 7,500 foot space was created by Zaha hadid and artists have been asked to create pieces based on the iconic 2.55 quilted bag the highlight is the Huge quilted Chanel bag and i will totally be climbing into it so stay tuned for silly pictures . I 'm also planning to go and see the Jeff koons exhibition at the Met i went there yesterday but but it was closed so i spent the day spending little money i have left i had on food and drink bad Jeanie.