New blazer

so on friday me and Rachel went for a quick fix of shopping to nurse our hangovers from the night before we had gone to the clash magazines CMJ party which had the delays (awesome) and Scouting for girls (WTF) I know I know anyone who knows me knows that I'm more of a sonic youth/ Hole kinda gal but they were really fun. After the show in a not so packed bowery ballroom we bumped into SFG lead singer roy I say "bumped into" what I meant was we tried to rescue him for the jaws of an insane fan she was sporting are rather fetching beanie and seem to be holding his arm a little too tightly. Anyway the night preceded with us all being bessie mates sharing stories about england. Long story short we got kicked out at 3am got the most insane taxi driver who insisted on us singing to him and fell into R's apartment rather drunk i believe saki and cheese throwing was involved. oh yes the blazer rachel found it first but she said it was too big there was a little flicker in my heart at the hope that this red vintage ralph lauren blazer would be big enough of plus sized me alas it gets on but I will have the slice off my arms if I ever plan to wear this out but its lovely there's a crest and buttons and pockets its yummy i have visions of pairing it with latex leggings and an alexander wang t shirt once i get into my "ooh this would be nice if i didn't eat for a bit" mode there's no stopping me. I of course brought it in the hope that this will be the one item I treasure enough to put down the cake and pick up some running shoes. 

lets see how long that last saying that i did go for a jog and throw out my candy


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