Jakarta - Worm Win32/Conficker.A attacking computers in a network that has RPC DCOM security hole 3 which has not been patched. If successful, the file will be downloaded to a computer virus victims.
Conficker to disable System Restore is a way to reset the "Restore Point" to prevent his victim eradicate this virus by restoring a Restore Point. This virus will also cause the demise of Internet connection sharing.
To prevent this virus to infect more computers, make sure you perform the following steps:
1. Make sure the virus is not active in your computer. The trick is to disconnect the computer to the network.
2. If after a relationship to the network decided virus infection ceases, then means that the source of the virus from your computer but not from one of the computers on the network.
3. Find the source of the virus spreading in the network prior to connecting the Conficker your computer. Logically, any computers that have not been patched and is connected to the network where there is one Conficker virus infected computer, it will be infected Conficker also within a short time. Unless the computers are protected by firewalls that protect the port:
UDP Port 135, 137, 138 and 445
TCP Port 135, 139, 445 and 593
4. Patch all computer operating systems are vulnerable to RPC DCOM vulnerabilities 3. To get the details of his patch, please download the Microsoft site.
As reported earlier, Conficker not only exploit security holes in Windows XP Service Pack 3 and Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2. But Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, even Windows 7 Pre Beta also vulnerable.