Here is a brief rundown of what i've been doing.....
I helped on the Louis Vuitton Archive exhibition which is currently on Bond street It was jolly good fun. I also went to the party saw Donna summer died. Saw Carine Roitfeld dancing to Donna summer died twice I then got very very drunk.

Then on Tuesday i went to the CSM graduate Show twas super fun lots of things to see my fave was Alex Mullins i heart him.

on wednesday night was the amazing Margiela Exhibition at Somerset house G&t mini hamburgers and a brass band Bliss highlights
- seeing Daphne Guinness looking amazing
- Having some random dude say " i love your t shirt" no one ever likes anything i wear So that was lovely even if he was mocking me.
- mini hamburgers.
- cheese table YUM.
- oh the Exhibition check out this man wall
Thursday was the LCF graduate fashion Show sat next to the lovely steve from style salvage we were hoping for a member of girls aloud to be the celeb guest but it was edith bowman zzzzz Clothes were ace though. "The we woz robbed" prize needs to go to Amber Siegel her menswear collection was a dream and she deserved collection of the year.