Teamo is a brand that packs serious punch Rafa and Roberto design clothes with bundles of personality if they could talk they would say "i'm cool you know i am and if you undo my buttons and slip inside everyone will think your cool too!". I stumbled across on them while surfing myspace weirdly enough and I've been romantically involved ever since . Rafa and Roberto kindly agreed to answer some of my banal questions on their awesome FW09-10 collection we talked kittens mexico and youtube.
I know you came together in 2006 but what were your backgrounds before that ?
Rafael was a musician and was the vocal of a band "dragkillers" and he also design clothes for his own label and Roberto, was studing communications, and design and did fashion styling for mexican magazines..
What this is particular collection based on ? What were your influences what kind of girl and boy are you designing for?
Aleister Crowley and his poetry. We think one of the most important influences in every collection are our girlfriends. We design for boys and girls that are not afraid of experiement with silouettes, and know what´s happening in the world.
I'm interested in how you use references from the past with a modern edgy twist will you tell me more about that what's your process?
As mexicans we have lots of old fashion references wich still alive on the streets but a contemporary touch, so we have this kind of vision to make something modern from something old.
TEAMO is all about LOVE what things pocessions or people do you love the most?first our little kitten " manzana" our friends, our partners, our city, ourselves.
What's your favourite song right now ?
rafa- eleanoora rosenholm "maailmanloppu"
roberto- Bridez "heart"
Whats the last thing you youtubed?
rafa- corazón de verano
roberto- La bruja "escandalo"
What's your favourite song right now ?
rafa- eleanoora rosenholm "maailmanloppu"
roberto- Bridez "heart"
Whats the last thing you youtubed?
rafa- corazón de verano
roberto- La bruja "escandalo"
Where are your Yummy scrummy pieces available?
in NYC
in NYC