Excuse the lateness of this post I'm almost Sober enough to write ! Friday was Changed to Funday as LOVE magazine were dJing at the double club fun and frolicks were had by all i spun a few tunes (few being the optimum word) danced like a manic and got very very drunk
- Me making a mini effort for a hot minute i wore heels and a peach emilio de la morena jacket (get me )
- Hearing Mr Lock play dana international MAZING
- Watching miss Victoria Young's amazing single ladies routine Beyonce better watch out!
- meeting Ciara yeah you heard me ! bullying her into a picture she's my bessie mate now ok ok so she doesn't actually know that but that's a minor if you ask me.
- Tim max and Me's mini R& B madness Big Tunes ,This is how we do it , Poison, salt & pepper's push it and Big Pimping MAJOR (well we thought so thats all that matters)
Being at the bottom of the fashion food chain means that i don't really get to meet celebs but today the amazing Clara hopped into the LOVE office shes sooooooooooooo cute i'm sightly in love with her!

PS sorry about the smallness of the pic but way in the background you can see clara snug as a bug in her fancy Vuitton bag !
Ps Ps check out a day in the life of fashion's most fabulous Rabbit on the LOVE blog NOW!!

PS sorry about the smallness of the pic but way in the background you can see clara snug as a bug in her fancy Vuitton bag !
Ps Ps check out a day in the life of fashion's most fabulous Rabbit on the LOVE blog NOW!!

Apparently Adriana Lima is set to be in the new Givenchy FW 09 campaign with 3 other models excited you bet !
has anyone seen ...
This i Kinda wanna see this ps watch the beyonce beatdown near the end GIRLFIGHT !!
Now I know everyone has talked about it but can i just reiterate the awesomeness !!! can every press office do one of these HOW FUN
sun not so fun !
So my lack of clothing situation is becoming really unfunny i keep washing my clothes in the hope that they will come out of the wash looking like something else other than the shit that i have. while everyone is estatic about the sun I'm what you would call sun scared as a fat girl there are very few decent options for me to choose this summer
i'm aiming for

But knowing me its gonna turn out like
Alas this is always the case i have recently spent the past three days feverishly looking for fun fat things but its proving quite difficult
if anyone has any suggestions other than the obvious (say hello salad bye cakes )let me know !
i'm aiming for

But knowing me its gonna turn out like

if anyone has any suggestions other than the obvious (say hello salad bye cakes )let me know !
Girl Crush

Girl crushes don't come around often for me this is because there aren't many girls that i'm into they all seem so obvious so saying the same ones as everyone else seems rather pointless.
For the past few weeks i've been slightly obsessed with Cassie Coane she holds a night with Harley Veira Newton @ Lit on a wednesday and they have a show on east village radio called teenage kicks i love the way she argues with everyone and plays bands i LOVE plus she has a rather envious collection of clothes which i'm in dying need of (more about my lack of clothes situation later)
I wonder if she would be up for a life swap??
PS harley and Cassie have a blog too.
Dear ......

Alexander Wang,
I hope this letter finds you well!
I've waited what seems like weeks and i still have no bag/shoes or t shirts from the FW09 Alexander Wang collection
Mary Kate Olsen isn't responding to my emails/ faxes/ twitter responses therefore i feel like i have to go to the source. I think I should get these flat studded boots seen in the picture above/ an assortment of t shirts and that studded bag Mk has for the following reasons:
A ) I'm frumpy, when your a frump u need ALL the help you can get honestly if I had these items I truly feel that everything will be amazing. Consider this as a good deed you would be turning the black version of Muriel in Muriel's wedding into a full time glamour puss.
B) Sending look books to the LOVE office today was a clear indication that you want me to see your amazing collection if you don't want rather odd open letters i suggest you don't send shiny new look books.
C) If I don't have these items soon I feel like my life will descend into complete and utter chaos i will have to rob a few pensioners and homeless people, I'm sure you wouldn't want to be associated with crime (ill tell them you made me do it) so for good pr reasons I feel like sending me these items would be highly beneficial to both of us.
I'm a size 41/42 shoe (yes i know big feet )
L-XL in the t shirts (naturally)
Ill take whatever bag but ideally the studded backpack would be marvellous Items can be sent to my home address or to the office whatever is convenient for you.
I await your response
many thanks
Jeanie Annan-lewin

Teamo is a brand that packs serious punch Rafa and Roberto design clothes with bundles of personality if they could talk they would say "i'm cool you know i am and if you undo my buttons and slip inside everyone will think your cool too!". I stumbled across on them while surfing myspace weirdly enough and I've been romantically involved ever since . Rafa and Roberto kindly agreed to answer some of my banal questions on their awesome FW09-10 collection we talked kittens mexico and youtube.
I know you came together in 2006 but what were your backgrounds before that ?
Rafael was a musician and was the vocal of a band "dragkillers" and he also design clothes for his own label and Roberto, was studing communications, and design and did fashion styling for mexican magazines..
What this is particular collection based on ? What were your influences what kind of girl and boy are you designing for?
Aleister Crowley and his poetry. We think one of the most important influences in every collection are our girlfriends. We design for boys and girls that are not afraid of experiement with silouettes, and know what´s happening in the world.
I'm interested in how you use references from the past with a modern edgy twist will you tell me more about that what's your process?
As mexicans we have lots of old fashion references wich still alive on the streets but a contemporary touch, so we have this kind of vision to make something modern from something old.
TEAMO is all about LOVE what things pocessions or people do you love the most?first our little kitten " manzana" our friends, our partners, our city, ourselves.
What's your favourite song right now ?
rafa- eleanoora rosenholm "maailmanloppu"
roberto- Bridez "heart"
Whats the last thing you youtubed?
rafa- corazón de verano
roberto- La bruja "escandalo"
What's your favourite song right now ?
rafa- eleanoora rosenholm "maailmanloppu"
roberto- Bridez "heart"
Whats the last thing you youtubed?
rafa- corazón de verano
roberto- La bruja "escandalo"
Where are your Yummy scrummy pieces available?
in NYC
in NYC
I've got the Bones for Dominic Jones!!!

Dominic Jones is a great jewellery designer his pieces are tough and dainty all at the same time I was first shown them by the rather lovely Julia and then I remembered reading about him in time out magazine he's one of Pugh's one to watch with great hair (i'm quite jealous of the colour) a fun blog and a rather cool celeb following big things are happening for this chap.

Say Hi to Shanghai's fancy new Gucci store opening in MAY this year its 1,600 square meters and two floors of YUM

LAST night was party night which started off at Barbie @ dsm cupcakes pink drinks and a free Barbie my kind of party. then we went on to uniqlo launch ut collection of after for queuing for what seemed a lifetime i was rescued by the other love staff which was good because i was getting cold and grumpy not a good combination. highlights
- nearly getting killed by photographers who were taking pictures of peaches
- seeing sanjay from eastenders (again) taking over the whole dancefloor
NO STRESS @ Village press

yesterday while doing the odd return i took a walk down to Village press FW press day highlights
- Wicked Bread and cheese selection YUM
- Seeing tons of stuff i really really need in my life Ashish Pomtastic pom pom sweaters being one of them
- RE Falling in LOVE with KENZO all over again those shoes the fur the scrumptious leather goodies
Delinquents in W

more model mayhem shoot fun see Daisy, Eliza, Portia , Eden oh and Peaches being all moody and stuff shoot by Steven Meisel and styled by Alex White
Are you watching the watchmen??

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