my father died of cancer last week this would explain my frequent mood swings inflicted on everyone who has the misfortune of being around me Lately. Dad and I had a well colourful relationship but he taught me and awful lot.
He introduced me to magazines/ books/ stories in general my dad brought me my first magazine it was a pacifying tool for me to leave him be so he could do dad stuff i guess i remember the magazine involving girls with shiny hair and on one page a pony I asked for a Pony continuously.
He taught me how to ride a bike i spent a long summers going on adventures with my brother and sister my first mountain bike was all kinds of awesome it was neon pink with black splatters across it (i wish i had that bike now).
He taught me the value of the news i remember moaning i wanted to watch cartoons and he said no he said "jean the reason you watch the news is because its very important to know whats around you" and every evening when I'm not wine induced with the mates i go home and watch the news.
He taught me the value of music to dad music was one of the most amazing forms of expression he had the most random taste but I remember my parents having the best parties usually we'd be forced to perform i vividly remember doing the running man in unison to vanilla ice ice baby.
He taught me that being different isn't such a bad thing.
He taught me that a hat was not just outside attire
He taught me that good cup of tea can solve anything any crisis any agonising decision the answer Tea
He taught me that clothes = memories
What i remember mostly is that he taught me to enter everything fully Love fully hate fully react to things with a ridiculous amount of passion never do anything by halves.