Are you watching the watchmen??

I have been gripped by the watchmengate on jack & Jil blog I've read all the comments over and over again looked at the their clothes and my own shabby dressed self. i cant decide whether i think its  all rather fabulous or if i think there a bunch of style obsessed attention seeking misfits, if it's the latter is this because I'm awfully poor and can't afford cotton let alone gorilla??? or  is it because i come into contact with people in fashion who don't do but BE. Like i said before it's completely captivating to dress like these guys clothes are a form of expression but 7 times out of 10 people who dress like that come into two categories they either have it  great position and pick super great samples and are flaunting it (fair enough when i make it it will be hello vuitton bye bye primark) or people who have watched  the devil wears Prada one to many times we all know the types you see  them at the opening of a crisp packet yapping on about how fabulous everything is. Don't get me wrong I'm not fashion bashing I'm simply saying that  when you carry boxes , hang clothes and steam  shit you cant afford you tend to have very little time for clean clothes let alone super fancy ones.


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