Jeanie Hearts Chanel

My love of Chanel is pretty deep. Ever loved someone so much that you wanted to jump into their skin just to have a small idea of how they work, well that's how much I love Chanel. When I was a teenager I'd make my mum and her boyfriend drive me to Sloane street so I could see the store  & every year I'd ask them to re mortgage their house so they could buy me a distressed tweed jacket or a bag or just something so I could sit and worship it in my room.  Obsessed is a bit of an understatement for my love I've recently attempted stealing a  few fashion editors bags. So when i braved the weather to go to the New York leg of the Chanel Mobile art exhibition yesterday i was scared that it would not live up to the high expectations in my head, I'm glad to say that I was not disappointed  as it was truly amazing i don't wanna spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen yet it but it was SO good. The whole exhibition is much more of a journey at the start of the exhibition we were each given a headset and told to follow the instructions now under most circumstancest this would annoy me i like to wonder by my self and form my own opinions but with the lovely Erica guiding me I felt I was travelling through instead of just looking. Each artists representation of the Chanel bag was definitely thought provoking my faves were Fabrice Hyber's "comfortable" installation think chanel playpen and Yoko Ono's wish tree installation we were all asked to write a wish and place it on the tree guess what the fat fashion assistant wished for.....

PS they wouldn't let me take pic's or get in the giant Chanel bag god knows I tried but i did get some fancy magazine with shiny pages and some postcards. so pictures of that soon xxo


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